Theme For The Year | Set a Vision For 2025
As I mentioned in a recent LinkedIn post, I understand if you feel allergic to New Year's resolutions because you are skeptical they will even last through January. I get it! I prefer to coach all of my clients in setting intentions. What do I mean by that? The difference is more than semantic – it's a fundamental shift in approach that can transform how we create lasting change in our lives.
Given that the majority of things in life are outside of our control, I have found I do better managing all of those unknowns by focusing on something I do have power over: my mindset.
So rather than set some resolutions for the year, which tend to be punitive and try to correct something I'm doing "wrong," I prefer to discern what might be my theme for the year. This then becomes something that lifts my vision above my daily circumstances and frustrations, thus keeping my "eyes on the prize."
What follows is the process I took in defining my theme for the year. I leaned heavily on resources from others, and give them full credit. Think about setting aside an hour at night or on the weekend to try this out.
First of all, I started with some journaling, and took a prompt from author Suleika Jaouad. I set aside an hour on a Saturday to look over my calendar and jog my memory. TRUST ME, it's worth the time to do this! Her questions:
In place of resolutions, journal your way into the New Year with five lists.
1. What in the last year are you proud of?
2. What did this year leave you yearning for?
3. What’s causing you anxiety?
4. What resources, skills, and practices can you rely on in the coming year?
5. What are your wildest, most harebrained ideas and dreams?
Thankfully, I came up with ten things I was proud of from 2024. I will keep most of them private, but here are three of them:
I learned some new skills about maintaining personal boundaries;
I took a semi-sabbatical for six weeks this summer (only working 8-10 hours/week);
I got my new website launched (with a lot of help from a gifted former student).
The other questions were challenging, and so valuable to explore. As you do it yourself, be free with your answers - do not overthink things or self-edit!
Once I did that, I leaned into a well-crafted AI prompt I received from Colin Scotland's newsletter (sign up for it - I always learn something), which relied on the content I gathered from my journaling exercise.
If you've been reluctant to or been intimidated to use AI, this is a GREAT first jump. I prefer using (here's a review as to why I like it). Here is Scotland's elegant prompt:
ClaudeAI, I want to set a theme for 2025 that reflects my highest aspirations and values. Please guide me step-by-step to explore the following:
What did I learn about myself in 2024?
What would I like to feel or experience more of in 2025?
How do I want my work, relationships, and growth to align with this?
Based on my reflections, suggest a word, phrase, or idea that encapsulates my theme for 2025 and explain why it fits.
KEY — I added this part: In order to have some context, here are some of my reflections and realizations from 2024. (Then I used the content from the Suleika Jaouad journal challenge).
I was so pleased to see gather up my 10 things I was proud of into three buckets. It then asked me to reflect some more on those emerging themes, which in turn then produced a personalized theme for my year! I've continued to reflect on this theme, which is still opening up for me. I have some time set aside this coming weekend to keep noodling on it.
If you completed this exercise, let me know how it went! If you share your theme for the year from these prompts with me, I'll be sure to share mine with you. Just send me an email at or set up a 30-minute complementary session if you want to explore some ways to be coached in living out your theme!